"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Monday, January 28, 2008

Many Changes Monday

I will be sharing two new recipes (will update tomorrow)... One is for Chewy Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookie Bars and Homemade Bread... I don't know if it's the cold possible sinus infection or what but I'm just dragging and very emotional lately... We are having many issues at home right now that are related to things we own and it is just setting me into an emotional upset... Like issues with our refrigerator and washing machine... Normally it wouldn't bother me... Just feel so frustrated and that I can't get a handle on things... However things between my husband and I are good and no issues with the children... Just my house seems to be really giving me a hard time! Well, I sat down and wrote a 'Family Routine' for our family... It is broke into 15 minute increments... It has everything our family SHOULD accomplish in one day... I know we won't follow it every day exactly if any day but it is there to help us not sit around and stare at the TV or Computer for hours... It is also going to help me with myself care... Which is really been neglected for many years... I'm tired of being the poster child of exhaustion! I want to sleep a decent number of hours at night waking up refreshed... I want to be able to eat 3 meals a day instead of 1-2 on my lucky days... If I continue on the path I'm on it could only have one end result and that is disaster! Many prayers while I try to organize myself would be appreciated... I will try to update and let everyone know how it is going... My good friend and mentor Michelle helped me tweak it a bit... The routine really puts things into perspective! Nothing much else excited happened today...


Teresa said...

Praying for you, Caroline. One thing that really helped me when the kids were young was to start cleaning at the furthest point from the kitchen and work your way there. It seemed like once I was in the kitchen, I could never get out!

Judy said...

Caroline, I am praying for you. I remember how awful my morning sickness was!

Would you send me a copy of that routine? I'd like to take a look at it. I'm going to need some help getting put back together after Jr. decides to show up! :-)


Anonymous said...

What is your routine Caroline?
I need major help since starting work
there isn't enough hours in the day it seems