"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thirty Six Weeks

Today I'm 36 weeks and have 28 or less days to go... I finished my medicine today for Bronchitis... This morning was Peanut's 2-9... We decided that she will attend Special Ed Preschool at the Public School 2 mornings a week adding a 3rd if necessary later... She will have ST only at school without any other adaptions or therapies... I will go back in August and sign her IEP and she will start school... So, right now she will have her bi-weekly private ST continuing till she 'graduates' and her weekly sessions with the EI people till she turns 3... At that time her EI sessions will end and she will only have private ST... Since her delay and qualifying 'disability' is her speech she will continue with private even after she starts school... The best case scenario is she will attend this one year and then stay home the following before attending K in the fall 2010... My oldest saw the psychiatrist today... Everything has been going pretty well so we made no changes and I only gave an extensive update and picked up Rx refills... We won't go back until mid summer unless issues arise... So, that's good too! Peanut had her ST today because her ST is going to a conference tomorrow... We talked about her 2-9 and current progress in her private sessions... Today was a pretty busy day... However the day went smoothly... I made homemade baked chicken nuggets with boneless skinless thigh meat today... I also made several phone calls... Now if I could feel 100% then things would be just perfect... I worked on 1st of the month homesteading paper work... I did a bit with the monthly bills... 15 Appointments/Events completed this week... 3 more to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look great, Caroline! It amazes me every time I read about the number of appts you have to schedule into your week. I would seriously NOT be a happy mom if I had that many (either that or I'd have to adapt - which would probably happen!).