"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Teaching Tuesday

I gave a knitting class this morning to my homeschool group... That was lots of fun... I started work on our little blessings hat... It's powder blue/baby yellow... I should finish it tonight... I stopped at the bank... I went and picked up a new boppy and extra cover at Target... My other one we had to throw out after it was became dirty and damaged... It was one of the old style without the removeable/switchable covers... I also dropped a DVD in the slot at the library... We ate the last of our Mother's Day cook out for lunch... Tonight I went to an API Support Group Meeting... The leaders had moved away but moved back so the meetings have started back up again... The leader is one of my doulas also... All in all it was a pretty quiet day... The 'overnight' lady watched my oldest while I was at the meeting... She then observed the bedtime routine of Bath, PJs, Story, and into bed to sleep... So, we are one more step closer to overnight...

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