I'm back!!!! Not 100% but well enough I can let you all know what is going on... My oldest was home all day on Friday... My illness continued to worsen so I canceled my oldest psychiatrist appointment... I didn't do but two things... I picked up Blessings car seat... I ran in quick to Walmart to pick out cough syrup for the two little ones who had very mild coughs but needed a little something... I road around and sat in the vehicle with the children while my husband ran in and out of places... My husband's friend (he's the wife of my friend expecting twins #7 & #8) came over they worked on remodeling in the living room... They made quite a bit of progress in the little time they were here... We will pick it back on next weekend... I wrote a little bit about Saturday... I was pretty much just miserable all day and night... I debated going to the doctor decided to wait because of the snow storm...
Sunday I decided enough was enough! I went to the doctor... They sent me up to L&D floor for observation for an hour because I had a headache and was dizzy (who wouldn't be with all that sinus pressure)... Baby and I both checked out fine... So, they released me... I went back downstairs to the ground floor to finish my doctors visit... He diagnosed me with Bronchitis... He gave me some medicine... I stopped at the pharmacy (located in same building) and headed home... My husband took the boys out for errands... Peanut and I took a nap or at least I tried to nap after I was medicated... My husband help me prepare and put homemade sloppy joes in the crock pot... I spent most of the day on the couch recovering... We missed the Potluck and Annual Business meeting for FMCHE... We had all been looking forward to attending...
Monday I took my oldest in to see the eye doctor... That was quite fun... ::sarcasm:: His appointment was almost 2 hours... The end result is he sees perfectly and doesn't need glasses at all... They dilated his eyes (took 20 minutes) and everything... I was impressed with the nurse working with the doctor... She either has worked with children like my oldest or she picked up instantly on our 'language'... She started talking how I talk with I work with my oldest and he is acting out behaviorally... So, I was glad to have someone who seemed to understand... That is the "hardest" part about parenting a child with Autism... Is finding people who REALLY understand what it means... Even other parents of children with Autism don't understand what it is like for another parent because each child can be so different... I know many people when they find out my oldest diagnoses they say things like 'oh that must be hard'... All that is involved is not hard per se... He has been like this for the whole time we known so many things we do we do because it's just the way he is and we don't know any different... It's the lack of having others who you can relate to and truly know what your life is like... Sometimes you feel very alone... It's hard to reach out and tell others about what is really going on because you feel that they would never understand (even though they 'say' they do) until they have experienced it first hand themselves... Peanut had her session while we were gone... I arrived just as she was leaving... My oldest had his last in home ST session... Due to his behavior she can no longer see him until he calms down... He is too much of a liability risk... She will still be available to consult... Tuesday:
I signed paper work for our 'overnight' service... I then stopped at the hardware store... I picked up new handles for the tub... Only to discover there were no screws to attach the new handles and we lost one of the old screws down the drain... So, I will have return that tomorrow... I headed downtown to refill one of my oldest RX... One of them was added at a different time so now I have to go to the pharmacy twice a month until I can move them closer together so they all together being refilled at the same time of the month... I stopped a picked up milk, eggs, cheese and juice because heading home... Monkey had more testing today... He still has another day before he finishes up... We then will meet to discuss the results... Tonight was K orientation night... I had our 'overnight' worker come to observe our family to give her a sense of how our evenings go... While I was at orientation with Monkey and Peanut... She took my oldest recycling... Which is located on the same block at the building I was in... So, she was with him but I near by in case she needed me... Everything went very well... We walked there and back... We made dinner and she had another family to work with so she left...
I had a meeting this morning with our new respite company... We should have staff up and running real soon... Right now I'm trying to figure out our schedule so they can fill it with staff... They like a concrete schedule vs me calling in a couple week ahead of time and saying oh can I have someone on this day and time... So, that will be a change... Nothing I can't work out though... The 'overnight' worker came today to observe how the after school routine works and observe talk with the OT... It was a really productive 2 hours... She learned a lot about our oldest... She is looking forward to watching him a few hours at her home and overnights will follow as everyone because more comfortable... Peanut had ST and did well... I was busy pick up the house to have it ready for the afternoon since I was out during the morning... So, I didn't really talk with the ST to much today about Peanut and what they are working on... I went back to the hardware store to find out the handles no longer come with handles... So, I bought 12 cents worth of screws... I installed one handle... The other is a bit more difficult... It has some old hardware that is not compatible with the new handles I have to remove... Before I can install the new handle... So, that is something I will need to work on... Tomorrow will be a regular message day... Sorry for the long publishing today... I'm glad to be back...
"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Sad Saturday
Well, this cold has turned into a horrible head cold with a nasty cough... A cough so bad it takes your breath away and you think you might suffocate before you stop and breathe again... Sometimes I think I will be sick because the cough is so violent... My nose is either constantly running or I can't breathe at all... Sneezes that make you dizzy... My head and body just aches as if I've been flattened by a steam roller...Right now just sitting in a semi upright position is extremly painful... I'm here alone with all the children because my husband has an odd working schedule... Not to mention the almost 1/2 foot of snow or whatever that fell yesterday... So, here I am sick, spouseless, and snowed in... I'm not feeling so positive at the moment... ::sigh:: I'm not sure when I will be back... Depends on how long this lasts...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thirty Five: Weeks or Days?
Take your pick... Either guess is correct... I am 35 weeks today and have 35 days left... How interesting is that... My friend came over this morning and we met with the food lady... That was fun... She will be back in a couple weeks to help us some more... Today we talked about what we want to learn... We discussed dry milk and potato flakes... Other uses besides drinking and mashed potatoes... We also talked some about beans and ways to add them into foods unnoticed to help them stretch further... ST is still sick so she didn't see my oldest today... I had a meeting with the doulas (I have two now on board) and my friend... We spent almost 2 hours talking about the upcoming labor and birth... We napped late and I recieved an exciting call at the end that woke me up early... #4's carseat is in!!! So, I'm very excited and happy about that... I'm still battling a mild head cold and added a mild cough... Hopefully it won't last too long... I really want to be HEALTHY for a bit before I go into labor... The weather has been roller coastering again with warms and colds... I'm sure we will all be well once it stablizes and is just warm... I'm going to go rest and heal...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Why Wednesday?
I have yet another ill... I have a head cold... ::sigh:: Hopefully it will go away quickly... Peanut also has it and I caught it from her who orginally caught it from Monkey but he managed to escape with just a drippy nose for a few days... So, we are just passin it around... I'm trying not to take anything but may have to tonight if I'm going to sleep... I just tossed and turned during nap time... Luckily it was my quiet day this week... I dropped off my oldest... Stopped at the grocery store for the rest of today's meal I was making before my husband woke up for work... I made Chicken Roll Ups (recipe to follow soon)... I had all the ingredients prepared and was about to fix my husband a plate and opened the drawer to discover that we were out of foil... Something that never happens... My husband is always right on top of that and makes sure all our wraps are in ample supply... He said we ran out on Sunday when we used foil for our cookout... I'm like what? I would have thought he would have picked it up... He did go to the store Monday and last night... So, I ran back out for foil... I made our meal and it was as delicious as ever... I tried to rest and then picked up our oldest... He had OT... He did so so today... At times he was wonderful and other times he fell apart so it was an up and down roller coaster session... He did behave for the most part and his reward was some time outside even though I felt awful and wanted to lay down ASAP when the OT left... He did an amazing thing... I will try to take a PIC tomorrow in between the rain drops (predicted to rain ALL day)... He put the little dividers back in my garden that he had ripped out and threw around the yard the last few months since the thickest of the snow melted... He also put back all the plant markers which he pulled up in the boxes like they are labeling what is planted there... This brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart... I told him what a good job he did and how happy I was... I gave him a big hug... Through all the bad times he does so many amazing things that make me love him more and more... They are just a tiny peek into what he could really do... I just wish I knew how to 'unlock' they say in the Autism world so he could be that way all the time... He has so much potential but something is holding him back... We haven't figured out what that is or how to remove that obstacle... I can't imagine life without him... He is truly special!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Two Days Ahead
I had another OB check up... I'm 34 weeks and 5 days and measuring 35 weeks.. 2 days ahead... My BP was good, Blessing heart rate good, everything looks great... I go back in 2 weeks... My doctor is on vacation next week... I also need to be at least 36 weeks for my GBS test which will happen at my next appointment... Soon I will be down to every week until baby is born... I usually don't make it to too many of those weekly ones... It's like ok see you next week and then we meet in the delivery room a couple days later... ::smirk:: We went on a tour of the local newspaper with our homeschool group... A lot of stairs! Otherwise very interesting and I think the children enjoyed it... Monkey had more screening today... He worked with the Early Childhood Teacher today because the therapist had a meeting they had to attend... We go back to finish next week... Each of them has a small part of screening to do before sharing the final outcomes with me... So, he will see the Teacher, ST, OT and PT all for a tiny bit and be done... I'm interested to see what their 'official' findings will be... We had our meeting with our 'overnight' respite person today... If she likes us as much as we liked her I think things are going to be awesome... I can't wait to start working with her... She is really awesome! I made refried beans for a dish I'm making tomorrow... Otherwise quiet evening...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Moist Monday
Yesterday was Mass and taco lunch... We took some eBay photos of things we had bought recently... We then headed out to run errands... First it was to the library... Next to Home Depot to pick up some things for the house like more sheet rock mud... We headed to Walmart to pick up things for cook out, the house and clothes for the boys... We looked at 'hats' for Peanut but they were either too small or too big... Not sure what that was about... We stopped at the mall to pay my husband's bills and picked up my oldest a couple more summer shirts... Starting to build his warm weather wardrobe... He took the boys recycling while Peanut and I started preparing dinner...We grilled out chicken I had put in marinade yesterday... We also cooked the other 1/2 pack of hotdogs... We had enough charcoal to make baked on the coals potatoes... Everything was AWESOME!!! My husband did some primering while I did a couple small hardware home repairs... We watched a Betty Crocker DVD with some yummy recipes that advertised a cookbook we plan to buy...
Today we had our first spring 'storm' of the season... It was a good down pour a bit of lightening and some light thunder... Great for all the thirsty plants and ground... Peanut had her session this morning... She had me fix up her hair before the lady arrived... I forgot to take a PIC of her with one of her new scrunchies... The rest of the morning was sit around the house watching/listening to the rain... We are leftover cook out food with my husband before he left for work... We planned out what we would have after it was gone... ST called because she is sick and wouldn't see my oldest today... Did a bit of chatting on the phone scheduling appointments... One being that I had a feeling my oldest son's orthotics were due for a check up and didn't think I had set up an appointment before we left last time... I called and I hadn't... It is 6 months next month since he was last seen... He goes every 6 months for a check... Funny how things just pop in your mind... Not to mention his very worn shoes... He goes through 3-4 pair a year... Just wears them out... I was thinking he needs a new pair before summer... I don't like to buy them before his appointment in case they change his orthotics because the new ones must fit in the new shoes... It also helps the doctor to see what adjustments need to be made by the wear patterns on my oldest son's shoes... So, that is all set up... Hopefully I won't be in labor or go into labor... LOL!! Good thing is L&D is just a few feet away... I really love how our network is set up... Things are going to be so complicated in the regards of finding medical care after we relocate... Here it is so simple... I picked up my oldest... He had stopped raining and the son was trying to shine a bit... I ran to the bank and we spent the rest of the days indoors since outside was sooo wet... On the downside we lost the screw to one of the faucet handles on the tub... Now I have to go buy a new set a replace them... They were worn out but but we didn't really need another expense this month... Money for the car seat arrived today... I will be calling later this week or next week to see if it is in yet... If they don't call me first...
Today we had our first spring 'storm' of the season... It was a good down pour a bit of lightening and some light thunder... Great for all the thirsty plants and ground... Peanut had her session this morning... She had me fix up her hair before the lady arrived... I forgot to take a PIC of her with one of her new scrunchies... The rest of the morning was sit around the house watching/listening to the rain... We are leftover cook out food with my husband before he left for work... We planned out what we would have after it was gone... ST called because she is sick and wouldn't see my oldest today... Did a bit of chatting on the phone scheduling appointments... One being that I had a feeling my oldest son's orthotics were due for a check up and didn't think I had set up an appointment before we left last time... I called and I hadn't... It is 6 months next month since he was last seen... He goes every 6 months for a check... Funny how things just pop in your mind... Not to mention his very worn shoes... He goes through 3-4 pair a year... Just wears them out... I was thinking he needs a new pair before summer... I don't like to buy them before his appointment in case they change his orthotics because the new ones must fit in the new shoes... It also helps the doctor to see what adjustments need to be made by the wear patterns on my oldest son's shoes... So, that is all set up... Hopefully I won't be in labor or go into labor... LOL!! Good thing is L&D is just a few feet away... I really love how our network is set up... Things are going to be so complicated in the regards of finding medical care after we relocate... Here it is so simple... I picked up my oldest... He had stopped raining and the son was trying to shine a bit... I ran to the bank and we spent the rest of the days indoors since outside was sooo wet... On the downside we lost the screw to one of the faucet handles on the tub... Now I have to go buy a new set a replace them... They were worn out but but we didn't really need another expense this month... Money for the car seat arrived today... I will be calling later this week or next week to see if it is in yet... If they don't call me first...
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Garage Sale Saturday
Today we went to our first garage sales of the season... Things went quite well going out all 5.5 of us... I found an adorable jumper for Peanut to wear on 4th July... Maybe sooner if I can't resist putting it on her... I also found a mini pizza cutter handy item to cutting up foods for the children into bit size pieces won't damage a plate like knives... A Pampered Chef item called Measure All Cup... I wanted another one but couldn't see buying it at full price... Just a pain to wash if you use it for more then one item... So, that I'm happy about... My husband picked up several things himself... We stopped at the library and the dollar store... Picked up some more scrunchies for myself and some 'little girl' scrunchies for Peanut... The ones she had were really for an infant/toddler not an almost preschooler... We put a tiny bit of gas in the van... We did some recycling of items that have been laying in the van... We then went in the grocery store... I picked up a few things for some casseroles I found online... I will make one next weekend and share the results and recipe... I would make one for tomorrow morning but I think I'm short on cheese... We are having our first grilling out today... We are making deluxe cheese burgers (mushrooms, cheese, onion, tomatoes, lettuce, pickle, ketchup, mustard and relish), hot dogs and brats... 40 Days or Less till we meet our new little guy...
Garage Sales,
Friday, April 18, 2008
Full Friday
At least the day felt full... Didn't really have much time to sit down and relax on the couch... Took my oldest to the psychiatrist this morning... Things seem to be going well so we just sat and talked and didn't make any changes... I updated on all that is happening here in regards to possible services... We go back in a week... If things are still 'stable' we will space out the visits a bit more... We stopped at Hardee's so I could grab a bit to eat... The children had a bite before we left but I was busy dressing 4 people so I didn't even have a sip of water before I left... Children snacked on the potatoes while I had a sandwich and some OJ... They changed their containers... They are like 'milk' cartons now instead of plastic cups with foil tops... Their OJ always tastes better then anything I've ever bought in the store... Even when I buy the exact brand they sell... I haven't figured that one out yet... I dropped my oldest off... I took the little ones to return some books... Every time they go they have to pick up a new book so we had a stack... We grabbed some lunch and went to the park... We had a picnic lunch and looked at the river... We stopped at the potty then played on the playground for about an hour... We then took a nice slow drive through the park and the road follows the river... It was warm and peaceful... Peanut had ST... We spent some time outside at home and then picked up my oldest... We headed over to the Pre-K building so Monkey could have some more screening done... We were there about 90 minutes... While he was 'working' we played on the playground and wondered around the building... When my oldest went to school there it was the K building... So, it was fun to walk around and look at the places he had been... A large part of the staff are ones who worked with my oldest during his Pre-K years (Mar 03 till Aug 05)... They remember me expecting Peanut and bringing her in for a visit before Summer School ended the last year he was there before he went to K... So, it was fun for them to see everyone and how much they have all grown... They will be working with Peanut in the fall... Monkey had screenings in ST and PT today... They both said he did well but didn't finish all they need to do for a full assessment and make recommendations... So we are going back again next week to do some more... He also has OT which he hasn't done and may even meet with a Pre-K teacher for some 'questions'... The preliminary reports have positive results... Which I was very pleased about... We played on the playground a bit more and headed home for a much needed nap... The evening was quiet... It was sooo warm today I had to turn the air on in the house because the house was roasting...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Today I'm officially 34 weeks according to the 'wheel'... This morning I had a meeting with a possible new respite service... We will see how that goes... Also, received a call today about a possible person for our 'overnight' respite... So, it is looking like services may start falling back into place to help us with our oldest and give us some relief/support... I made hamburgers in gravy with fresh mushrooms and golden (skins left on) garlic mashed potatoes... I ran out to pick up some medicine for the little ones who noses are drippy due to the up and down weather we are having... I talked to a friend this morning on the phone who is expecting twins (#7 & 8) and it sounded like she could really use some help... So, I stopped by her home while out running errands during the lunch hour... I brought her mail up to the door from the end of the driveway, took a box she received downstairs and put it away... I did one draining dish tray full of dishes, put another set in the sink to soak and gave her some help preparing lunch for her children... I then had to head back to my family and see how they were doing... This morning after dropping off my oldest did some food shopping/picking up... So, we are well stocked minus fresh meat (have a couple small packages in the freezer)... So, it was a busy day... I was very tired when nap time came and fell almost instantly to sleep after reading an article about 'Natural Family Living'... I called and set up an appointment next week with local college's extension service to help re-learn or do better with budgeting, meal prep (using items I normally wouldn't like powdered milk instead of prepared milk) and pre-planning all to expand my skills and stretch our dollar a bit further since soon we will be a family of SIX on one income... They also have a lady on staff at the extension service who is knowledgeable in home canning and I will be meeting her later on once I have some things to can and I'm settled a bit with #4... I'm really excited about canning but cautious at the same time and think watching/working directly with someone instead of just trying to 'read' and do it as I go is better and safer! I had planned on attending an Autism resource fair at the college but was too tired and did quite a bit today... It was best I didn't over do it... I did too much this morning and felt it so I knew I needed to back off and take it easy...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Went On A Search Wednesday
I was up and drop my oldest off... I then baked some homemade bread for husband to have with his lunch today... The littles ones and I ate eggs, ham and cheese for breakfast... I made mine into a Breakfast Burrito... Yummy!!! We then headed over to my friend's, Krisanna, house so we could do some 'gardening' errands together... While I was out dropping my oldest off the phone had rang and it was the car seat people who I was meeting with tomorrow... Seems now that the car seat I had planned on buying new at a discount isn't going to happen so I went on a search to find one so my mom can send money to help pay for it... 43 days to go (or less) and all of a sudden I'm going to be car seat less! So, I ran into Kmart and they didn't have a car seat but they did have jackets for the two little children... That was awesome... We then headed to the garden center and picked up our Onion Sets... Next it was head to MN to check out the new Walmart... My friend hadn't been there yet... They sell seeds from the company I use... I stopped in Target on the way to check on car seats and walked right by the perfect coat for my oldest... So, spring jacket shopping is DONE!!! Woo hooo!!! Next we went to Walmart... I showed her the seat I don't like that is all 'funny'... ::smirk:: We had to stop at the potty a 2nd time for Monkey... Next we headed to the Garden Center or since this is a 'green' walmart the Outdoors something another they call it... Like changing the color of the Walmart and what it says on the outside changes the store... @@ Like at the 'blue' Walmart it is simply Food Center... At the 'green' Walmart it's Market... They both sell food... Whatever... So, we had a great time looking at the seed display and she picked up what she will need... We looked at hoses, gloves and hand held gardening tools... We found an adorable little set that is a trowel, rake and poker (great for poking holes in soil to plant)... We each bought a set...

She mentioned Baby Depot has an excellent selection of seats and that is where they bought theirs... So, after Walmart we headed there... They had the exact seat I wanted... So, here is the seat we will have in the next week or so... They didn't have any in stock and I have to wait for the rest of money to arrive any way... So, I'm on the waiting list and will have one on hold when they come in... Peanut had ST and my oldest had OT this afternoon... I chatted with a few friends on the phone but otherwise a quiet night...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Teeth Tuesday
I went to the Dentist this morning... I had an excellent periodontalreport... I had 8 sites of bleeding last time and zero today... I had 27 pockets and now only have 17 (smaller the number the better)... So, my mouth improved greatly... So, that was exciting... They did a periodontal treatment and cleaned/flossed my teeth... So, I'm good to go for a couple months... I ran to the PO to mail a package for my husband... I stopped at the bank to deposit an eBay money order... I also stopped at my favorite sub place for my favorite sub Pepperoni Melt... I called a friend of mine who advertised about needing a blender on Free Cycle... I have a blender which I use pretty much once a year... I use it to make a Strawberry Drink with Sparkling Cider on New Years and the rest of the year it sit above the dryer collecting dust... She will be on this side of town end of this week to pick it up... Today was Pay Day so my husband was off to work early... I stopped by a friends to give her a formula sample... I collect them and give them to the local pregnancy crisis center... I had found one when she was over but couldn't figure out what I had done with the other... I found it so I dropped it off... I then headed to the library... I didn't have enough time to do that before my husband had to go to work so I had to pick up the little ones... When I was in the library tossing stuff in the drop box I ran into another friend... I then headed way up north to drop off my signed proposal and down payment on the fence... So, we should have a fence going up in a just a few weeks... I can't wait... I started working on loosing the stakes so it's easy to take down before they arrive to install the new one... I headed back south to pick up my oldest... We hung out here for a bit and then headed to a meeting about a service for our oldest... As a reward for my oldest we recycled our phone books at the grocery store across the street...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Many Things To Do Monday
Yesterday was a busy day... Tried to have a quiet morning but the children were all crazy running around then Mass... We tried Domino's new 'Brooklyn' Pizza... It was ok... We also had Taco Shop to supplement the tiny pizza (we did order the large) we spit among the 5.5 of us for lunch... Next it was ready everyone to run errands... We tried to rearrage the seats in the van and discovered one of them is broken... It is safe to ride in but you can't remove it and we need to make more room... So, we will be taking it in to fix that before #4 arrives... We need the space that seat is taking and no one is going to sit in it so it doesn't need to be a 'seat' at this point in the van's life... I was also able to convince my husband the garage door opener is indeed 100% broke so I need to sumbit a request for service with the home warranty people about that so they can send someone out... We went to JCPenney where my husband exchanged shampoo... He bought one for blondes and requires gloves to use... LOL!!! He also ran in Sears to pick up more Primer... It is almost remodel season... We have done a tiny bit but not really into full swing yet because of the roller coaster weather... Next we stopped at the gas station before we were stranded... Off to the library we headed... We all went in there and found lots of great books and DVDs for the week... It was through town to the 'new' Walmart... We had hoped to use the boys' birthday money to pick them up some spring jackets and then use the rest for summer clothes but Walmart doesn't have jackets yet... Picked up some much needed items like grass seed, light bulbs (soft) for Monkey's night light, Diapers, Laundry Soap (starting to catch up after being so sick), and misc Food/Household items... We headed home and I made some homemade Chinese dishes... My husband took the boys recycling... I ran out and picked up Milk, Cheese and Juice... For Chinese we used our new WOK we bought at Christmas... It is a fancy one you season and don't scrub with soap... We seasoned it and I made Chicken Lo Mein with mushrooms, broccoli, peas, onions, and carrots... I also made General Tso's Chicken... Both were very delicious! We had planned on watching Baby 101 together but I fell asleep on the couch while he took out the trash and did some pre-kitchen clean up...
Peanut had a session this morning with her EI lady... We had leftover Chinese before my husband left for work... The fence guy came... Looks like a little over $500 for the fence job around the garden... I was hoping for more like $2-4 hundred but I think I can swing this... It's 50% due at signing and 50% due when they are done... It will take them about 5-7 days to do the job... They will be cementing the posts which I was impressed with... I figured they just dig a hole and drop the pole in... ::smirk:: I did some searching for spring jackets... I found some on sale at Walmart.com and will probably go that way... I'm still searching for peanut and not having much luck... So, that's kind of frustrating... My oldest had a fantastic day at his program and even more wonderful ST session... So, things are looking up... ::smile::
Peanut had a session this morning with her EI lady... We had leftover Chinese before my husband left for work... The fence guy came... Looks like a little over $500 for the fence job around the garden... I was hoping for more like $2-4 hundred but I think I can swing this... It's 50% due at signing and 50% due when they are done... It will take them about 5-7 days to do the job... They will be cementing the posts which I was impressed with... I figured they just dig a hole and drop the pole in... ::smirk:: I did some searching for spring jackets... I found some on sale at Walmart.com and will probably go that way... I'm still searching for peanut and not having much luck... So, that's kind of frustrating... My oldest had a fantastic day at his program and even more wonderful ST session... So, things are looking up... ::smile::
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Slow Saturday
I didn't do much of anything... I stayed in my PJs all day long... It was a nice long relaxing day... I did some more de-cluttering... I read a few magazines... Among my favorites Faith & Family and Mothering... Still trying reorganize my 'hobby' life... Everything is such a unorganized heap! I'm hoping by doing this it will make it easier just to sit down and enjoy my various hobbies instead of looking at it going I don't even want to touch that because I have to do this, this and this before I can even start with the fun... Next week is going to be another insanely crazy week... 15 Appointments and who knows what else will be squeezed in before the week ends... I seem to be averaging 10 - 20 appointments weekly these days... I thought January was a busy month... LOL!! I just count my blessings every day that God has given me good health and reliable transportation to do all these things for my family... Many families aren't so lucky... I'm going to have bit more of R & R then head to bed...
Boy I really blanked yesterday about writing... I was very busy and wasn't near the computer much... I will have lots to write... I will try to update soon so check back...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Forgotten Thursday
I had a very long and busy day with no nap... Now I'm exhausted and had forgotten to blog... The children seem to be on a new schedule where they wake up 1-2 hours earlier then we used to... That is really making me tired before the day even begins... We went to Play Group and I had Peanut's 2-7 meeting... That is the meeting you have when your child is 2 Years and 7 Months to start the transition from Early Intervention into Public Preschool... Next month we will have the 2-9 meeting... Peanut is actually 2 years 8-1/2 months... So the 2-7 is a bit late and the 2-9 will be right on time... We also talked about Monkey... He will finish his testing and it will be decided based on scores if he should attend public preschool or go to K in the fall... I made crock pot pork today... I took a huge pork shoulder... Place it in the crock pot with cream of mushroom soup, dry onion soup mix, medium onion quarters and separated, baby carrots, potatoes and misc seasoning my family loves... Add about 2-4 C. of water and cook on low 8-10 hours or on high 4-6 hours until pork is done and veggies are tender... Pork should shred easily... Serve over egg noodles... I met with my doula I had with Peanut... I've decided at this birth I'm going to have two doulas and a friend... Each wonderful woman has something special to bring to this birth... I can't imagine one of them not being there... It was good to catch up with her... She had moved out of the area but moved back... We talked about my upcoming birth, SFG, Homesteading, and she set up so I could watch Business of Being Born before she left... I highly recommend this for EVERY woman whether she is in the child rearing years, passed them or has not yet entered them... It is a MUST SEE for ALL women! She also left me the DVD Baby 101 from House of Babies... My doula with Peanut and her husband are in the DVD as a couple particpating in the class... It is set up so you think you are sitting right there interacting with Shari Daniel's in person... Both were totally awesome and I so glad I had the opportunity to view them... I had wanted to purchase these informative resources but the funding wasn't available... So, I'm blessed to have such a good friend to share these with me... I helped my friend, Krisanna, design her SFG for 2008... She started late last year... So, we added some new crops... She is also adding a 2nd box to her garden this year... We are going shopping for the few supplies she needs next week... She is growing 12 different veggies and herb/spices... She will also have room for several flowers... 32 Square Feet is all her garden is taking up... SFG method is really awesome!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Let Gardening Season Begin
I ordered all my supplies and such on December 13th while taking advantage of a sale with the seed company I use...
So, here is what I'm growing this year:
Yellow Corn (64 plants)
7" Carrots (2 crops of 16)
Collards (7 plants)
Cucumbers (pickle when they are small and slice up when larger, 8 vines)
Pole Green Beans (8 vines)
Yellow Hot Peppers (3 plants)
Loose Leaf Lettuce (two varieties, 32 plants each)
Yellow or White Onions (haven't decided one thing left to buy, at least 2 crops of 16)
6-7 lb Pumpkins (4 vines)
Yellow Summer Squash (4 plants)
Cherry Tomatoes (2 plants)
Red Roma Tomatoes (2 plants)
Yellow Roma Tomatoes (2 plants)
Slicing Tomatoes (2 plants)
14 lb Watermelon (4 vines)
Misc Flowers in My Mary Garden (haven't decided that either)
194 Veggie Plants grown in 96 sq ft... That is the amazing results of SFG... If you want to know more feel free to email me or leave a message in the comment section with your email (if I don't already have it)... I'd be happy share all the awesome details with you... I co-taught a class last Summer to my homeschool group...
So, here is what I'm growing this year:
Yellow Corn (64 plants)
7" Carrots (2 crops of 16)
Collards (7 plants)
Cucumbers (pickle when they are small and slice up when larger, 8 vines)
Pole Green Beans (8 vines)
Yellow Hot Peppers (3 plants)
Loose Leaf Lettuce (two varieties, 32 plants each)
Yellow or White Onions (haven't decided one thing left to buy, at least 2 crops of 16)
6-7 lb Pumpkins (4 vines)
Yellow Summer Squash (4 plants)
Cherry Tomatoes (2 plants)
Red Roma Tomatoes (2 plants)
Yellow Roma Tomatoes (2 plants)
Slicing Tomatoes (2 plants)
14 lb Watermelon (4 vines)
Misc Flowers in My Mary Garden (haven't decided that either)
194 Veggie Plants grown in 96 sq ft... That is the amazing results of SFG... If you want to know more feel free to email me or leave a message in the comment section with your email (if I don't already have it)... I'd be happy share all the awesome details with you... I co-taught a class last Summer to my homeschool group...
WOW Wednesday
I can't believe it's Wednesday... Where has the week gone? Only 50 days left or less till we meet our newest blessing... Today Monkey had a hair cut... Boy did he need it!
The Barber also trimmed Peanut's Bangs...
Wasn't that nice... So, they both look awesome... Hopefully my husband will be able cut our oldest hair because he needs a cut too! We stopped at the library drop box and tossed in a book... I also made a deposit at the bank... Peanut had ST and did fabulous... My oldest had OT... Since it was nice they worked outside a the picnic bench today... He did very well... I worked on my gardening plan... I hadn't updated it for 2008 or if I had I can't find where I saved it... 1st Available planting date is coming up soon... April 30th for my zone... I was all worried I had missed the date and was behind... So, that was good to know... However now I know a date and my garden isn't any where ready to plant... LOL!!! For those who don't already know I do Square Foot Gardening (SFG)... So, prep really isn't a big deal... It's more clean up from Fall because I was sick with morning sickness and didn't clean up like I should have at the end of season and then it snowed... I was like oh well... ::smirk:: Plus the children have really done a number on it...
Especially my oldest... I contacted a Fence company today to see about how much a PERMENANT fence is to put up to keep the children out... Right now we have chicken wire and some thin fencing stakes... Well, it's had a very hard life... Un repairable and needs to be removed... ::sigh:: Just couldn't stand up to my oldest... Didn't have a chance... Hopefully the fence won't kill my budget! I don't need much since I have a small garden (Thanks to the SFG Method) of about 11' x 20'... I don't know what the going rate for fencing is either... We may have to put up our own if it is too much... I really don't want to do that again!



Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Tons Of Improvement Tuesday
Wow... I can't believe how much better I feel... I felt awful! Today I'm almost 100%... It feels soo good to have improved and feel so good... I really want to enjoy these last few weeks because before I know it my little blessing will have arrived... I had my 32 wk 5 day appointment and I'm measuring 33 weeks... He appears to be head down and heart rate was 140... So, he is doing fantastic... I'm excited to meet him... My other children have been extra snuggily lately... I love all that cuddle time... Soon it will be the children and I snugglin with a little angel... I know they are excited to meet their new sibling... Asking questions about how the baby is going to get out, if it hurts, will it be scary... I've never had any questions asked before from a sibling so this is new... Peanut's newest word is WHY? It's a very high pitch... Why? why? Why? It's soo adorable!!!
Here she is in her 1st ponytail:
We finally both felt well enough to put her hair up again yesterday...

She loves being just like 'Mama'... She touches her ponytail and says 'Mama hair'... ::grin:: She is also modeling one of her new jumpers for spring/summer as well... I'm not sure if she was more excited about her hair or her new jumper... LOL!!! So, today I went out to fill up my empty van... Despite the illness I've still haven't canceled much and still been doing a lot of driving... So, it was reaching that little orange area before you run out completely... I also stopped at the local health food store for some Papaya Enzyme Tabs to help with this lovely heartburn... Eating Papaya works better so far but that is a bit pricey so the Tabs will have to do till it's in 'season' maybe after a few doses it will be more effective... Otherwise picking and dropping off my oldest I didn't really go too many places today... It was my 'quiet' day of the week... I rested and recovered then planned out the rest of my very busy week... It feels good to be back and chatting with you all again...
Here she is in her 1st ponytail:




Monday, April 7, 2008
Trip to ER and other Woes
I'm feeling a bit better after an ER visit but still not well enough to write... I hope to update and be back to writing daily soon!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Hopefully I will be able to write tonight and update all or lack of all that has been happening this week...
Friday, April 4, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
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