"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Slow Saturday

Today was kind of a slow day... I didn't do much of anything... I ran to the grocery for milk, eggs, cheese, cereal, PB and juice... I then this to the local 'hardware' store and picked up some 'sardine' keys so we can open inside doors... We lost ours some how and still now sure where it went... The key fits our room and nursery... I picked up two... We put one in our usual spot upstairs and one downstairs in the computer desk as a back up... I also picked up a night light for Monkey but something is wrong with it... I will have to take it back tomorrow and exchange it... It doesn't want to stay on unless you are pushing on it... It is the light and not the outlet... I need to clean off my sewing area... It is a disaster... It has become a catch all... I was going to do a before and after but the camera went missing... Will need to conduct a search... Here is our finished tree:

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