"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Thursday, December 27, 2007

2nd Day Of Christmas and 18 WEEKS

Today has been ?... First half was really good... The second half makes me want to pull my hair out... I will update later... I am too irritated to write! Now that I've calmed down I will write about the day... Today was my husband's first day back to work after 4 days off... The morning started off well... I put some more Christmas money in the bank... I visited a friend and dropped off a meal... Our homeschool group organized meals for her to help her out after #6 was born... Tonight was my night... I also made a quick stop at the library drive thru drop box to return some videos so they wouldn't be late... All was going quite well... A box arrived with more Christmas presents... I specifically asked that there be NO packing peanuts... So, I sat the box down and headed up to nap since the little ones were already asleep and figured I would open the box when we woke up... Grrrrr... I hear my oldest wake up... He heads down stairs... I lay there minute waking up myself... I proceed to wake up the others like usual... My oldest 'usually' heads down and turns on the TV or plays with a toy, make a snack whatever while I wake up the little ones... Not today! Today, he decided to take it upon himself to open the box that had arrived... The box with the evil packing peanuts... He then proceeded to SHREAD the peanuts and spread them about the house... When I came down I couldn't believe my eyes!!!! It was sooo awful I couldn't even bring myself to take PICS... Of course the toys had been left where they were last played with since it wasn't time to clean up... We usually only clean up before bed unless someone is coming to visit... So, above the static filled shreds of styrofoam was toys... Fast forward TWO AND HALF hours later it was cleaned up... I still can't believe that person who sent the box used packing peanuts when I specifically asked them not too... I also can't believe that my oldest did what he did! On a happier note I've been feeling my little guy moving around... I'm 18 weeks along today... Less then 22 weeks to go! My US is coming up soon so we will either confirm or deny my feelings that baby is indeed a boy...

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