"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wednesday 21st - Saturday 24th

This week kind of flew by... I was quite busy... However when I look back it's like what did I really do... Funny how life is that way... You are running, running but then when look back you are what exactly did I do? I guess it's just hard to remember things when you were so busy that you didn't even take the time to remember them... LOL... A few things I did were of course laundry, remodeling, baking, cooking, playing with the children, reading books, cleaning (LOL), I spent some time catching up on sleep... We have a 4 day weekend... It's been wonderful! I haven't really gone any where... Just stayed here at home taking care of home... Just a step back away from the run here, run there, kind of life... The Walton's Season 4 has rolled around in my queue so we have been taking time to sit back to a time when things didn't move at the speed of light... So, funny in one episode they are driving and one is saying my goodness how fast are going? the driver replies oh 20-22 MPH! The other replies slow down before you kills the both of us... Can you imagine driving anywhere at less then 25 MPH? Funny how times change... How I wish we could all go back to those simpler times and when everyone knew what really mattered most in life... I know times then were hard but still... Something to think about...

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