"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Simply Ordinary Saturday

Today was simply an ordinary Saturday in our house... My husband let me take a short nap while he made 'breakfast' for the troops... It was a much needed nap... We then headed out to run errands... We went shopping in search of a new 'family' size frying pan... We found an awesome one... However we didn't find a new 'phone' table for the library... Our current phone table was a tall slender dresser that has bit by bit been dismantled by the oldest and is nothing but an empty shell now... It is an eye sore... Really drags down the whole room... We de-cluttered that room last night of unneeded toys and books... We now have 42 gallons worth of toys in storage... We also threw out a LARGE garbage bag (not one of those tiny 13 gallon ones) of just plain TRASH! Trash meaning everything from ripped up paper, broke toys to pieces of crayon and unusable books... The room is so much more pleasant now to play in... Much easier to maintain... Just now I tackled my bookshelf... I wish I had taken a BEFORE picture because looking at the AFTER you can't truly appreciate the nightmare it was without knowing how far it has come... It looks really nice now and I was able to take media from other rooms of the house and put them where they belong which of course is the book shelf... ::GASP:: Keep books on a book shelf! Who thought of such a thing ?!?!? ::smirk:: We also picked up another tote which I filled with books I don't need in my current path in life but will want later... We made a quick run to the grocery store to restock the freezer/pantry/refrigerator... Also, to pick up the fixings for Sunday Dinner... My husband went out with Monkey to the PO and Library also earlier today... They found 'General Lee' the car from Dukes of Hazzard at a local 2nd hand store... My husband noted the large amount of people shopping he also noticed the jacking up of prices on the part of the 2nd hand store... How nice of them huh? That's all for now... I'm going to call it a night and take a much desired soak in the spa... ::grin:: As for the spell check and image buttons as well as all the other buttons... They have now reappeared... I 'cleaned' our computer and that fixed the issue... Thank you everyone for suggestions...

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