"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St. Peter Canisius

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weekend - Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Peanut had ST today... We talked about all that is going on here... I scheduled some appointments for next week... Linebacker had his 2 week check up... He is up to 7 lbs and 6 ozs... So, he is gaining nicely... His next appointment is at 2 months... I planted a lot of things today... I have Collards, Lettuce, Carrots, Onions and Squash in the ground... I visited my oldest... He is doing well...
Today we went to the Detroit Lakes Street Fair... I found an awesome dress...
The only other thing we bought besides 'eats' was some Salsa from husband/wife that traveled here from Colorado... My husband heard him on the radio... It was really good... A huge nasty storm blew up just before we left... It ripped one of the 'tents' up and threw it... Luckily we were in another block but it sure did scare us... We decided that was our cue it was time to head home... The wind really picked up... Street Fair goers and Vendors a like scrambled for cover and protect their wares... Otherwise it was a great time had by all... I went and visited my oldest... He told me he needed more underwear... He has issues with cleaniliness after using the restroom so it is better to just throw out his clothing then try to wash them... He knows what is proper and we aren't sure why sometimes he does it correctly but other times he disregards the proper way all together...
Today my husband visited and took our oldest new underwear and a shirt... I visited later and took some extra socks... It is my husband's last day off... We did a lot of shopping and worked on the house... It is coming along nicely here in the living room... I took a much needed nap... We grilled out... Meals from our friends start tomorrow... So, I won't be 'cooking' for a bit... I'm excited to see what delicious dishes our friends bring... I caught up on the laundry...


Michelle said...

Caroline, I'm praying for all of you.

Michelle said...

Caroline, you look great!